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Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 by Max Goldstein, Wilson High School Class of 2019
I am offering one of my most popular classes, "Space Science Essentials," through the Lewis and Clark College Graduate School of Education.
When: NOW! The intended audience is school teachers who have been assigned to teach astronomy this school year and who need a crash course. But anyone is welcome. The course will be individualized for each participant. Star parties will begin the first week of August.
Format: Partly online asynchronous, partly online Zoom, partly in the field at night. Mostly what works for you..
Cost: $350 for graduate level credit. $250 without credit. 15 hours of contact time. 15 more hours of work for graduate level credit. That will be working with me to design your course.
Who: You!
While this is designed for beginning educators, veteran educators and non-educators are welcome and encouraged. Self-motivated and mature high schoolers thorugh retired folks and everyone in-between is welcome.
I also act as a "science teacher coach." Schools or individual teachers can hire me to work with them to improve their science teaching. I provide coaching, curriculum, guest lessons, co-teaching, and supplies. Details are worked out on a case-by-case basis.
1 participant = $75/hour
2 participants = $100/hour = $50/hour each
3 participants = $120/hour = $40/hour each
4 participants = $140/hour = $35/hour each
more = work out the details, but likely about $30/hour each.